Casting Internets

tumblr_inline_mhgvhhahCr1qz4rgpCheck it out, my buddy Josh Wigler‘s working on a comic!

I would like to try this Mind the Gap cocktail, preferable with my pal Jim McCann who’s writing a terrific comic of the same name over at Image. (via Esquire)

Brian Cronin did an awesome Movie Legends Revealed over on Spinoff about the myth that Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Cyborg actually started off as a Masters of the Universe sequel. I knew about a third of the story, but its connection to Spider-Man is all new to me. Great piece!

THIS ROBOT BAND IS PLAYING THE RAMONES!!! They look like Johnny Number 5 on punk rock steroids and I love them. Where can I get one of the drummer ones? (via Please Kill Me)

This Grantland story by Steven Hyden perfectly encapsulates why KISS was/is awesome. First concert I ever went to and still one of my favorites. A great show is a great show.

This Penn Jillette piece for the New York Times rings true for me on a lot of levels.

BC over at HMAD got around to doing his Best/Worst Movies of 2012 list, as always, it’s a hoot. Just realized he’s going to stop watching a Horror Movie A Day and it makes me a little sad inside.

I’m less surprised that some restaurants are banning food photography as per this New York Times article, than I am at how inconsiderate some people are about all this. Just snap a simple no-flash pic, it’s not a big deal.muppets again

This first image from the upcoming Muppets movie doesn’t tell you much about the new movie, but it still gets me really excited. (via EW)

Having read Please Kill Me, I was curious to check out this Rolling Stone piece about one time Velvet Underground member John Cale.

The League‘s Nick Kroll had an interesting talk with Esquire.

The most Lost-like show on TV as far as deep, long lasting character moments and mysterious goings-on is How I Met Your Mother. Much like with the former, I’m glad the latter is getting an intended series finale after the ninth season next year. (via THR)

Brad Meltzer has a new line of kids books in the works with the theme of Ordinary People Change The World. This is a good thing. (via THR)

sonic mega man

There’s a Sonic/Mega Man crossover from Archie?! Are those books any good? I’ve always thought Mega Man had seemingly unlimited potential for radical stories. (via CBR)

This THR piece about some of the difficulties reporters have had covering Scientology in the past is pretty interesting.

Jim Zub has been at it again writing insightful pieces about creator owned comics. This one about posting his book Skullkickers online for free was particularly eye opening.

I never really thought about it before, but Ron Marz is right, there’s not that much difference between writing a licensed comic and a Big Two comic.

Disney cast Cory and Topanga’s daughter for Girl Meets World. The producer talked to THR about some of the concerns I voiced here.

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